Badger surveys are an assessment of areas of land to identify badger fields signs, including setts, path and foraging activity, and to assess how the badgers utilise the area.
Initial badger surveys are optimally carried out during the winter months, when vegetation levels are low allowing badger setts and other field signs to be seen, and badgers are actively marking their territories.
In some circumstances a more detailed bait marking survey will be required to accurately assess the extent of the badgers territories and therefore the impact of the proposed works.
Switch Ecology have over 20 years experience working with, and surveying for, badgers and our surveyors have successfully constructed artificial badger setts in various settings. Our surveyors are also registered to use Natural England's seasonal class licence for badgers, CL35, and have held abundant site specific licences covering the exclusion of, or disturbance to, badger setts.